
It's my country, and I'll burn what I want to

Once again, Bill Frist is trying to hold me back from burning U.S. flags. I have never actually done this but I want the right if I feel so inclined. If say, for example, I was annoyed that Bush and his Patriot Act are oppressing me as an American citizen, I would like to have the choice of burning the flag in protest rather than doing something rash like burning down the White House. That comment probably got me on the Do Not Fly list. Score.

We can't be high and mighty America if we demand blind loyalty from our citizens. That's what they do in places like Iraq. If we became like Iraq, we'd eventually have to invade ourselves, which could definitely get tricky.

You can't have the First Amendment and a democratic government if you are only allowed to do things that don't hurt people's feelings. Burning a flag doesn't hurt anybody. It's just a flag. It's a symbol of freedom and liberty, yes, but if you don't think the government is providing those things the first thing you would do is burn the symbol.

I would think we could concentrate on more important things like global warming, health care, improving relations with the rest of the world and ensuring our public officials aren't shooting people. But no, as long as Old Glory is protected from flames the United States will be a better place.

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