
I love the doctor's office

Nurse: "You're having symptoms?"

Me: "I was in Mexico last week, and I've been getting sicker since I got back so I just wanted to see if I should come in yet."

Nurse: "Oh, so you think maybe you're having a reaction to a medicine?"

Me: "What? No."


Train of thought

What I thought about today:

"Nope, not getting up."

"Ugh, how late could I call into work? 10, 10 sounds good. I'll email."

"Why am I always so tired?"

"Why do I never do laundry but still have clothes to wear? I should give some to poor kids."

"I could use my gift certificates to Express and Banana Republic and give MORE clothes to poor kids."

"I wonder why my boss is too tired to come to work but I have to drag my ass here."

"I had toast this morning, instant cappucino crap, this pizza Lean Cuisine is 400 calories...yeah, I don't care."

"Yes, I am still mad about that. I need a new job."

"I really don't like Indesign because you can't hold down the apple key and click and slide the page. I am sure there is a way to do it but I am too stubborn to find out. Bring back Quark!"

"Nov. 17 already? Really?"

"Do I want sushi tonight or Sunday? Rachel is making me pick the main dish for Saturday's dinner. I am going to marry a chef."

"If I live in NYC, could I have someone do my laundry. No, I'd be too poor. But, would I rather have clean laundry or cable?"

"When am I going to tell someone that the ethernet port on my new laptop is broken. Hmm, not today."


Yay, Dems!

As you all can see, mainly someone's brother, my Democrats are far superior to your gun-toting, gay-hatin' Repubs.


Why I love election season

- The Green party sign: Since late last week, there are people standing on the corner of my block with a massive cardboard sign that says "Support the Green Party." No candidate specifically just general support. Man, I hope they take the Senate!

- Live from New York... It's the Daily Show. Live! Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert!

- Minneapolis Mayor Rybak called my cell phone this weekend urging me to vote for..someone. Surely a Democrat. He talked to me like we were buddies though. I have expected him to end the convo with "peace out" but I hung up before he could get to that point.

- Campaign ads: This is the first time I have lived in a contentious state during election season. I can't get enough of the TV ads which inform me that every candidate running for office is a lying sack of shit and should be burning in the fires of hell. Vote, Tuesday!

- Predictions: I eat them up. I listened to NPR all day. Last night I watched two people fighting on MSNBC about whether the Dems would take five seats or four. They need six, so I have no idea why it even matters if they get less than that. My prediction? Dems will take every Senate seat up for grabs and there will be so much cutting and running Fox News will actually implode.


Funny baby

Rarely do I think children are funny, but OH MY GOD this is hilarious:


On turning 24

I'm OK with 24, but the fact my next birthday is 25 is not really OK with me because I think that's the first birthday where I will feel older. Last night I went to happy hour and bowling with friends. Interesting combination. My first score was a studly 129. A couple of beers and tequila shots later, my second game's score was 61. Whoops... I woke up at 2:15 a.m. laying halfway on my bed, fully clothed and paranoid that my car had been towed. So, I got up to change to pajamas, brush my teeth and check on my car which is parked in a bar (not the one I actually was at) parking lot behind my apartment.

This morning I had to force myself to go to work completely hungover and three hours later choke down flour-less chocolate cake with my co-workers. Just what an alcohol-damanged stomach needs - a crap ton of fudge.

In conclusion, 24 must not be the age where I become a responsible adult.