
Train of thought

What I thought about today:

"Nope, not getting up."

"Ugh, how late could I call into work? 10, 10 sounds good. I'll email."

"Why am I always so tired?"

"Why do I never do laundry but still have clothes to wear? I should give some to poor kids."

"I could use my gift certificates to Express and Banana Republic and give MORE clothes to poor kids."

"I wonder why my boss is too tired to come to work but I have to drag my ass here."

"I had toast this morning, instant cappucino crap, this pizza Lean Cuisine is 400 calories...yeah, I don't care."

"Yes, I am still mad about that. I need a new job."

"I really don't like Indesign because you can't hold down the apple key and click and slide the page. I am sure there is a way to do it but I am too stubborn to find out. Bring back Quark!"

"Nov. 17 already? Really?"

"Do I want sushi tonight or Sunday? Rachel is making me pick the main dish for Saturday's dinner. I am going to marry a chef."

"If I live in NYC, could I have someone do my laundry. No, I'd be too poor. But, would I rather have clean laundry or cable?"

"When am I going to tell someone that the ethernet port on my new laptop is broken. Hmm, not today."


Anonymous said...

oooo! I love these blogs.

here is me this morning.

"Well that was a weird dream."

"I can sleep for another half an hour and still make it by 9 if i don't do my hair."

"I have no food."

(while smelling milk) "Please don't be bad, please don't be bad, please don't be bad."

"Whoo hooo! Cereal!"

Anonymous said...

I will trade you the version of Quark I have for the version of InDesign you have. My Quark will make you wish you were lucky enough to be drowning in a bowl of slowly congealing queso.