
Blood donating failure

I tried to save three lives today and failed.

I wanted to give blood since I am feeling brave and have been poked so much lately that I figured I could get in the habit when I was used to it. Instead, I got a finger poke that hurt and then told my iron levels are waaaay to low for such things as giving away my blood. They gave me some Total cereal and told me to take Flintstone vitamins and come back in a month.

So add anemia to my list of failures. Explains why I want to sleep all the time though.

It just thundered really loud. I am fairly confident it's God striking me down saying "If you would have just eaten more red meat, three people would have been alive today."


Starbucks update

I have cut way down on my Starbucks intake but since I rollerbladed 12 miles last night, and I was still tired this morning I rationalized that I deserved it.

It was pretty busy and I had to give my order to a girl, not my usual guy that teases me about my order. So I order it and then am standing in this huge group of chatty ladies waiting for my drink. Starbucks boy, who I have named Josh just because, starts to call out my drink and sticks his head around all the machines, stops mid-sentence and says loudly, "Haha, I should have known it was you!"

To this comment, every single person in Starbucks turns and looks at me and I just grin and walk out. Half of them thought I was really cool and half were judging me because they think I go to Starbucks every single day and that's the only reason they know me.

Little does that half know, I am just really famous. At Starbucks.


Too old for this

I am too old to be celebrating 21st birthdays. There are too many shots, too much bad dancing and not feeling so great today.

My favorite picture on someone's digital is me laying on the bathroom floor (the bed was just so far) and the birthday girl sitting on top of my legs, puking in the toilet. It was an extremely proud moment.


Things I hate about opening mail

1. Those stupid mailer envelopes that have sawdust instead of bubbles to package the item. Sawdust is not a good idea. There is no way to actually open the envelope without coating yourself in that smell and the little flakes. Saving these for last prevents me from mistakenly assuming I work in a lumber store.

2. Packing peanuts: They stick to your hands so you can't get them off. For awhile, you stand over the trash can clawing at your hand but soon realize the only option is the sink. The peanuts then clog the drain.

3. Envelopes inside envelopes. It's like a funny birthday joke. Yet, not funny. And not my birthday.

4. Pull tabs: Also my favorite thing about opening mail, when they work. Usually however, some dumbface put tape over the tab so the pull tab only pulls halfway forcing you to use scissors thus voiding the pull tab's efforts.

5. The fact I even open mail on a daily basis.


All in a day's work

Remember the Enron scandal?

Corporate fraud, using companies funds for personal advancement, investigations, audits, more audits, terminations, eventual court cases.

Yeah, that happened to me last week. Or rather the company where I am currently employed.

My last three jobs have involved:

1. Me becoming the plaintiff in a federal lawsuit.

2. $50,000 cut from the program I was in charge of and a bunch of angry teens.

3. Embezzlement.

Pretty sure God is telling me to just stop working completely. Either that or I am really good at attracting trouble.

The opposite of music

Today the radio station I listen to on my way home from work had a kazoo contest. Who actually thought this was a good idea?

I have never heard anything more annoying.
