
Blood donating failure

I tried to save three lives today and failed.

I wanted to give blood since I am feeling brave and have been poked so much lately that I figured I could get in the habit when I was used to it. Instead, I got a finger poke that hurt and then told my iron levels are waaaay to low for such things as giving away my blood. They gave me some Total cereal and told me to take Flintstone vitamins and come back in a month.

So add anemia to my list of failures. Explains why I want to sleep all the time though.

It just thundered really loud. I am fairly confident it's God striking me down saying "If you would have just eaten more red meat, three people would have been alive today."


Homegirl said...

Aw, your poor body just can't kep up! You'll save some lives sooon.

White Hat Black Hat said...

See. If you don't eat enough cows, the terrorists win.

I don't think anemia counts as a failure. Being smaller than a fern might, but anemia doesn't.

Sarah said...

OK, I could take Vern the Fern. I don't need watering twice a day. He's so high maintenance.