

If you pray for a "clear sign" and then while at a job interview you see a sign that says nothing but "Take this job and Enjoy it!" is that the clear sign in a very literal way? Or maybe just one huge coincidence.

I wonder if God sends clear signs when we ask for them and then gets really annoyed when we assume they are just freak moments that aren't really spiritual. If I were God, I'd probably flip over my desk and wonder why I even bother coming to work everyday.

Regardless, I feel like at 23 I am completely unqualified to make big life decisions. Even with potentially clear signs from a much higher power than myself, I still feel the intense urge to throw up. A lot. There is so much pressure to choose what makes you happy, don't settle, don't compromise, blah blah that instead of enjoying it all, it all becomes too overwhelming.

How at this age am I supposed to know what will make me happy? Usually I can't even figure out what I want to eat.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maybe "take this job and enjoy it," means the job of being Sarah. Maybe He's saying -

"quit worrying about making the perfect decision and just enjoy your life - the life I gave you."

It's hard to base a big decision on a church sign - but there's also no reason to think God WOULDN'T work this way. Keep praying and give your worry to Him.

He knows his plans for you - plans of good and not of evil. Plans for a future with hope. You just need to trust. We all do. What makes us think He is ANYTHING but trustworthy?