
Life's moments

Funniest moment: Coming out of J.Scott's house with Jesse who was taking me home despite my slurred complaints that Ryan was the one who needed a ride home because he was too drunk to drive. Meanwhile I drank way too much in a short amount of time due to the evil game of Fuck Your Neighbor. As Jesse was leading me down the steep yard to his car my response was "I am fine. I am probably fine" even though I had to grip his hand to stand up straight.

Most angry moment: Standing in front of 200 screaming minorities on K-State's campus telling us that we are racist for not covering a conference. Even though we did. And even though I didn't even know what most of the racist jokes they referred to even meant further proving my innonence. Then watching the WWRG rally on campus. Then reading the troll's letter. Then hearing Bin Bosco say he didn't care about the First Amendment.

Happiest moment: When everyone stood up and clapped when I received the College Press Freedom Award knowing that everything you've gone through (see above) was worth it and you might have inspired someone to keep fighting. Also, beating Hooker in our drink-off.

Saddest moment: Realizing that the best friend you used to have doesn't exist anymore.

Most confused moment: Waking up on Johanna's bathroom floor with Jesse in the living room and Jo in her bed. Different confusion- last summer and continuous confusion of what I want to do with my life. Also, almost anything involving J, the antichrist.

Most surreal moment: Standing at the top of the Vatican looking down over Rome's red rooftops and realizing how small I was in a very big world. Feeling God at the most desperate times in my life.

Most looked forward to moment: When I meet my future husband. When I find a job that I know is my life's calling. When it's 80 degrees. When move to DC/NYC/Boston/Chicago. San Francisco in two days. When I am satisfied with my life.

Moment best forgotten: Times when I compromised who I was for someone else or let my happiness depend on someone other than me.

- Most of my blog topics come from Edie's response to my emails of "I need a blog topic."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Several of these gave me goosebumps - especially the one about the Freedom of Press award.

Fantastic blog. I'm stealing it from you/me now. Weird.