

I am becoming a superstar blood test taker

Today this man had to steal three viles of my blood. I actually was brave enough to sneak a peek at the needle and viles filling up but eventually had to return my gaze to the wall opposite my arm. I even had a conversation with the lab tech which included the fast fact that I wasn't the only person at the lab today that was bleeding slow. It took me more than two minutes to fill the viles. Sick.

I still have marks where the tape that was on my IV last week pulled off skin. It didn't hurt but I look like a criss-crossed weirdo.

Another IV is coming May 4.

I need a hug.

1 comment:

Jo said...

At least you aren't a fast bleeder. I always fill the vials so fast, I come close to passing out. It's probably not healthy.

And I'm sure you don't look like a weirdo. At least not anymore than you usually do. ;)

I love you and I'd give you a hug any day.