
I will still love Thursday despite all this

Thursday is my favorite day of the week. It has the anticipation of Friday but not quite the urgency of Friday when there is no tomorrow to get work done. However, it seems that the stupidest people have decided to attempt to ruin my perfect day, and I just can't let that happen.

I have had this phone call greeting at least ten times today:

"This is Sarah"
"Yep, this is Sarah"


Also this email strain:

Email #1 from Bob: When will the awards be announced?
Email #2 from me: On this date
Email #3 from George replying to MY email: When will the awards be announced?

Also I have to buy a cake for tomorrow for a co-worker's birthday. When I am the most motherly figure in the office who remembers these things, there has to be serious problems considering I once made a list of reasons to have children which included tax breaks and someone to do the chores.

1 comment:

Jo said...

You know, I had never thought about using children as tax breaks/slaves. Perhaps there would be an advantage to having children after all...