
10 minutes ago...

Guys in car smoking: "Hey there, can you tell us how to get to Hennepin Avenue?"

Me: "Yeah, two blocks that way."

Guy #1: "You have a nice car."

Me: " I know, I like it, too."

Guy #2: "My buddy wants to know where in your pants street is."

Me: "We don't have streets like that around here."

Guy #1: "How about panties (giggle, giggle)"

Me: "Have a nice night alone."


Character flaws

According to the ever so trustworthy Wikipedia: A character flaw is a limitation, imperfection, problem, phobia, or deficiency present in a character who may be otherwise very functional.

Because my workplace environment is driving me into a self-deprecating mood, here are my character flaws:

1. Antsyness - I am always antsy. Especially on gray, rainy Fridays. I am continually in a state of almost content to downright toe-tapping anxious. I want to live on the East Coast. I want to find a job that doesn't frequently involve me wanting to stab myself in the face. I want to have a boyfriend who is obligated to entertain me when I am bored, rub my feet when they hurt after skating and make me dinner when everything in my fridge looks gross. Also, I could use a new car.

2. Fidgetyness - Probably because of No. 1. However, right now I am twirling my flip-flop on the my big toe while kicking the other foot back and forth under my desk, sucking on my Smart Water bottle and ever so often squeezing Marvin the Martian stress man to death. I also highlight everything when I read it online, but usually not the words I am actually reading. Sometimes to prevent my fidgeting, I sit on my right leg, which also has the added benefit of making me taller. I also cut up things if scissors are in sight, tear apart styrofoam cups or rip paper into shreds.

3. Sunlight - I need it. If I don't get it, I am driven to write blogs like this. Why God didn't just drop me on the equator I will never figure out. Maybe it's the whole AIDS, famine thing.

4. Eye rolling - I can't help it. My eyes have a mind of their own. They just roll around like they are in a big jar.

5. Ignoring - When things get too complicated, I ignore them and pretend they either aren't happening or that I really don't care. Not big important things but just annoying small things with friends, boys or life. It probably makes me a little absent from the real world but if I hold out long enough and ignore it, it either goes away or is no longer worth thinking about. Like how I just stop answering my phone when certain names pop up or block email addresses from my account. This routinely happens when I get suffocated like for example if someone was to try and buy me milk.



See, I really did it. I swear!


A Real Marathoner

My goal going into the St. Paul inline skating marathon (26.2 miles) was first to finish and then second to get under three hours. I had done 21 miles in a little more than two hours.

Starting out I ate a Cliff bar right before which made me really antsy. I started right before 8 a.m. in Open Wave 2. The first part was the hardest and there were several gradual inclines that made it harder especially since they were in areas that there were no cheering spectators, which makes a huge difference. I did see a wheel on the side of the road, a few people getting medical attention, heard about several falls and a guy throwing up.

The end was a huge hill that definitely caused some moaning and groaning but my everyone was yelling and ringing cowbells so it wasn't as bad as I was anticipating.

Official time: 2:06. YES!

I went to lunch with my very supportive friends and came home and slept. When I woke up, my whole body was on fire, and I had a huge headache. I am sure it'll be a few days of recovery or maybe a few weeks ... but the next marathon is Sept. 16 in Duluth so my body better heal fast!

Anyway, super cool day and one of the biggest things I've defintely done in awhile.



Five good things that happened to me this week:
1. Was able to congratulate Jo on her new job.
2. Went to the Guthrie with Edie
3. Found out the Starbucks guy didn't quit.
4. Bought spandex, a helmet and Cliff bars.
5. Made chocolate chip cookies.

Five bad things that happened this week:
1. Hated my boss.
2. A girl died outside my work making me ponder the meaning of life.
3. Hated my boss.
4. Decided I look like a freak in a helmet.
5. Cloudy and rainy for two days, making me fear winter.

Marathon is Sunday morning!


Reg Desk, Part II

Me: "You can pick up a schedule right there?"
Person: "So can I get an itinerary or something?"
Me: "Yeah, right there."

Co-worker: "Ouch. Do you want me to teach you to hit like a girl?"

Boss: "Isn't the auditorium just darling."
Me: "Yeah..really cute."