
More serious than someday

Friday afternoon I am leaving work early for a date. And this is no dinner-and-a-movie kind of date.

Lampshade made an appointment downtown. At a jewelry store. To look at rings. The “will you marry me” kind of ring.

We did this once about six months ago but it was a fun, haha, free warm cookie, bottled water and shiny rocks on my hand kind of thing. Just for ideas, for someday.

Now it’s serious. Though I don’t know when it’s going to be for real because of the surprise factor which takes my "I need to know everything, always" brain to the brink of EXPLOSION. But as much whining as I do about the tight-lipped, taunting boy, I secretly want the happy surprised tears whenever they may come.

I have to keep reminding myself that yes, it’s my life I am talking about – this amazingly blessed, rich, uncomplicated, busting daily with love life.

But for now, I build little walls around my dreamy head to focus on the approved topics of work, dog parks, weather, Jamba Juice, K-State football, the Twins, the election and most importantly, how much I love daily life with the boy. And all that is more than enough.

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